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What Snowmobilers Need to Know About 2015 No Cost Try Our Trails Permits

In cooperation with the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO), the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) is celebrating Ontario’s Snowmobiling Family Day Long Weekend with the third year of the No Cost Try Our Trails Permit, available online at no charge and valid only from 12:01 AM Saturday, February 14 until 11:59 PM on Monday, February 16, 2015.

The 2015 No Cost Try Our Trails Permit is available only by registering online at www.ofsc.on.ca, completing the Try Our Trails Permit application form and printing out a permit good for Family Day Long Weekend only. There is no charge for either the 2015Try Our Trails Permit or the registration process, but to access OFSC trails, the printed permit must be affixed to the sled to which it is assigned in accordance with Ontario law.

Any sled on OFSC trails for recreational purposes without a permit on Family Day Weekend is illegal and can incur a fine of up to $1,000. Riders must also carry a valid driver’s licence or Motorized Snow Vehicle Operator’s Licence, sled registration, proof of insurance, and follow all the rules and assumptions for safe OFSC trail riding.

Try Our Trails Q&A

What is it?

“Try Our Trails” is the name of the 2015 permit approved by MTO as a result of a recommendation passed by OFSC clubs at their AGM asking for a no cost permit for Ontario’s Snowmobiling Family Day Weekend.

What is the purpose of the 2015 Try Our Trails Permit?

One purpose of the 2015 No Cost Try Our Trails Permit is to invite new participants, former riders and out-of-province visitors to try OFSC trails at no cost. We also want to encourage all regular permit buyers to invite their families and friends to register for a 2015 Try Our Trails Permit, so they can Take a Friend Snowmobiling.

When Can I get a 2015 Try Our Trails Permit?

2015 No Cost Try Our Trails Permits are available from Monday, February 2 for Ontario’s Snowmobiling Family Day Weekend only – and are valid only from 12:01 AM Saturday, February 14 until 11:59 PM on Monday, February 16, 2015 inclusive.

Where can I get a 2015 No Cost Try Our Trails Permit?

The 2015 No Cost Try Our Trails Permit are only available from the OFSC Online Permits website any time from 12:01 AM on February 2 to 11:59 PM on Monday, February 16, 2015 by completing the registration form and printing out a permit from the follow up email you will receive immediately.

Why do I have to get a 2015 No Cost Try Our Trails Permit online?

Besides being the simplest, quickest and most convenient way for anyone to obtain the 2015 No Cost Try Our Trails Permit for immediate use, there is one other very important reason that the 2015 No Cost Try Our Trails Permit must be obtained online:

Permit Required - Even though there is no cost for this new permit, Ontario law still requires that a sled entering OFSC trails for recreational snowmobiling must display a valid permit or be subject to a penalty. So anyone who wants to try OFSC trails on Ontario’s Snowmobiling Family Day Weekend requires a trail permit on their sled, regardless that it may be obtained at no cost.

What is the process for obtaining a 2015 No Cost Try Our Trails Permit?

The process for obtaining a 2015 No Cost Try Our Trails Permit is exactly the same as if a snowmobiler were going online to buy a permit, except that no payment is required and the permit is obtained immediately. The reason for using the same method is that this is the process that complies with MTO requirements for the OFSC to distribute their trail permits, and it has worked very well for the past two seasons.

How does someone obtain a 2015 No Cost Try Our Trails Permit?

The 2015 No Cost Try Our Trails Permit can be obtained at the OFSC Online Permits website. Please review the following instructions on how to obtain the Try Our Trails Permit online:

  • To register for a No Cost Try Our Trails Permit please create a new account (or login with your existing account if you are a current online permit purchaser).
  • Select the district and club where you plan on snowmobiling.
  • Confirm your personal information, enter your sled information and select the Try Our Trails Permit from the drop down menu provided.
  • Be sure to read all terms and conditions and check the appropriate boxes to continue through the form.
  • When you have successfully completed the form, click the “Proceed to Payment Gateway”.  Since there is no fee for the Try Our Trails Permit, you will not be asked for credit card information (if your order only consists of the Try Our Trails Permit).
  • You will be given the option to print a receipt showing that no fee was paid.
  • Your Try Our Trails Permit confirmation will be sent to you by email immediately. Please review the instructions and then print your permit (either in colour or black & white) and affix it to your sled.

If you require assistance please contact us at:  contactus@ofsc.on.ca

How do you affix a 2015 No Cost Try Our Trails Permit to your sled?

After you print out the permit in either colour or black & white, you must affix it to the sled to which it was assigned. The permit must also be and remain clear and legible in case you get checked on the trail. Because the permit is printed on paper with no adhesive backer, we are suggesting these jerry-rigged methods for affixing to your sled:

  • Put it in a clear plastic packing slip envelope from an office supply store. These have adhesive backs.
  • Laminate it and tape to sled.
  • Affix to sled with clear packing tape that will allow it to be seen and also protect it from the elements.
  • Place it in a ziplock baggie and tape to sled or attach to top inside of windshield with alligator clip.

As backup, we also recommend that you print out a duplicate copy to carry in your pocket along with the required permit registration paperwork.

In addition to a 2015 No Cost Try Our Trails Permit, what else do you need to legally ride OFSC trails?

Riders must also carry a valid driver’s licence or Snow Vehicle Operator’s Licence, sled registration, proof of insurance, and follow all the rules and assumptions for safe OFSC trail riding.

Happy Ontario Sledding!
