Province Introduces $5 Fee Increase for 2022 Seasonal and Classic Trail Permits

(Barrie, ON: September 7, 2021) – The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) is announcing a $5 permit fee
increase for 2022 Seasonal and Classic Trail Permits. The increase will help the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs1 (OFSC) and its member organizations to keep pace with rising operating costs associated with Ontario’s favourite winter
pastime, all while ensuring snowmobiling remains affordable across the province.

“The OFSC is committed to providing the best snowmobiling experience possible and that means continued investments
in trails, equipment, and infrastructure,” said CEO Ryan Eickmeier. “With rising costs of goods and services as well as
increased demand on our trail system, this funding increase will allow us to put additional resources directly where they
are needed most, on the snow.”

The cost of Ontario 2022 Seasonal and Classic Snowmobile Trail Permits are as follows:
Seasonal Permit

  • Purchased prior to November 2, 2021: $195
  • Purchased November 2, 2021 to December 1, 2021: $225
  • December 2, 2021 onwards: $275.

Classic Permit

  • Purchased prior to November 2, 2021: $155
  • Purchased November 2, 2021 to December 1, 2021: $155
  • December 2, 2021 onwards: $185

“Ontario permits continue to offer exceptional value when compared to many other recreational activities,” Eickmeier
said. “Having held firm on pricing since the 2018 season despite rapidly rising costs, we are confident that this is a fair
and balanced plan, and we look forward to seeing you on the trails this winter.”

The permit fee increase was endorsed by the OFSC membership and based on an approved business case submitted to
the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. Permits go on sale on October 1, 2021, at

For questions to schedule a media interview with the OFSC please contact Andrew Walasek at or
by phone at 705‐739‐7669 x251.
