Thank you permit buyers, volunteers and landowners!

With the last grooming operations over as of early April, snowmobilers are being reminded to stay off OFSC Prescribed snowmobile trails from now until they become available next winter as the snowmobile season has come to an end. At its peak, this season saw 27,000 kilometres of OFSC trails ready to ride with the first snowmobiling opportunities available as early as December 10 and throughout the Christmas holidays in some areas. In all, snowmobilers obtained 108,617 permits for sleds that were used by over 190,000 family participants. Snowmobiling in Ontario generates $1.7 billion in economic impact annually.

“We’ve had a great, albeit unpredictable winter in most parts of the province and would like to thank all of our clubs and volunteers for working especially hard to get trails in the best possible condition throughout the season for snowmobilers to enjoy,” stated OFSC spokesperson Lisa Stackhouse.

The public is also reminded that an OFSC snowmobile trail on private land reported as “Unavailable” means that access to that trail is also prohibited for ATV’s or any other users or persons for all other seasons, without the specific prior permission of the landowner. To do so could result in a trespass charge and/or permanent closure of the trail. To support OFSC landowners, the Interactive Trail Guide on the OFSC website will be offline until September 1, 2017.

“On behalf of our clubs and volunteers, I want to thank all of the landowners who have generously allowed the use of their property for an OFSC snowmobile trail this winter,” continued Stackhouse. “We also appreciate the support of the many snowmobilers who bought trail permits to help support the cost of trail and grooming operations.”

Planning is already underway to provide yet another successful season of snowmobiling next winter. Although the winter is over, snowmobiling has become a year-round business. Many clubs will immediately start planning and preparing for next winter. If you are interested in helping out, please visit www.ofsc.on.ca to find out how you can get involved!
