Sinking of the Sled
January 20th, 2017 With great success, the Bonn Trae Snowmobile Club has revitalized an old tradition ... “Sinking of the Sled”. Over 20 years ago, Sands on Golden Lake's previous owner Leo McKillop decide to place a “Garfield” cat taped to a sono tube on the ice in front of the Sands. Mr McKillop did so in order to determine when the doomed feline would fall thru the thinning layer of ice. Customers alike would gather at the restaurant windows first trying to determine what the heck that fuzzy orange object was on the ice and secondly ... why? The reason, to raise money for the local Golden Lake fire department. With the unfortunate passing of Leo McKillop the winter tradition seized until 2009 when the Bonn Trae snowmobile club was donated a rather sad looking Yamaha. With a few coats of paint and a complete stripping of engine parts (MNR approved of course), the sinking of the “Sled” was born. Although fundraising fortunes aren’t necessarily made, the fun is explaining to folks why there is an abandoned sled on the ice and encouraging the curious (sledder or not) to try their luck as to when the sled will sink. What a terrific way to revitalize an old tradition and generate awareness to a most phenomenal winter sport. Sands On Golden Lake
Golden Lake, Ontario, Canada K0J 1X0 | Posted NOTICES2024-10-02OFSC 57th AGM & Convention Kicks Off New Season - Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs
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